Situating Embodied instruction - proxemics and body knowledge
Darren J Reed
Linguistics Vanguard, 2021
Darren J Reed, Robin Wooffitt
Sociology, 2021
Dancing with Data: Introducing a Creative Interactional Metaphor
Darren J Reed
Sociological Research Online, vol. 25(4), 2020 Dec, pp. 533--548
Touch and talk: detailing embodied experience in the music masterclass
Darren J Reed
Social Semiotics, vol. 30(5), 2019, pp. 625-645
Assessments in Transition: Coordinating Participation Framework Transition in Institutional Settings
Darren J Reed
Embodied Activities in Face-to-face and Mediated Settings: Social Encounters in Time and Space, Elisabeth Reber, Nele Gerhardt, Embodied Activities in Face-to-face and Mediated Settings: Social Encounters in Time and Space, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
Fun on the phone: The Situated Experience of Recreational Telephone Conferences,
Darren J. Reed
Mark Blythe, Andrew Monk, Funology 2, Springer, 2018, pp. 343-357
Darren J Reed
TECNOSCIENZA: Italian Journal of Science \& Technology Studies, vol. 8(2), 2018 Jan, pp. 81-104
Darren J Reed
Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 115, 2017, pp. 82 98
Microanalysis Of Online Data: The methodological development of “digital CA”
David Giles, Wyke Stommel, Trena Paulus, Jessica Lester, Darren Reed
Discourse, Context & Media, vol. 7, 2015, pp. 45-51
Relinquishing in musical masterclasses: Embodied action in interactional projects
Darren J. Reed
Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 89, 2015, pp. 31-49
Zombies and the Sociological Imagination: The Walking Dead as Social-Science Fiction
Darren Reed, Ruth Penfold-Mounce
The Zombie Renaissance in Popular Culture, Laura Hubner, Marcus Leaning, Paul Manning, Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2015, pp. 124-138
New technological localisms: a comparative analysis of two case studies
Darren J. Reed, Mark R. Johnson
urbe. Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana, vol. 6, 2014, pp. 57--72
The emergence of learnables in music masterclasses
Darren Reed, B. Szczepek Reed
Social Semiotics, vol. 24, 2014, pp. 446-467
NOW or NOT NOW: Coordinating Restarts in the Pursuit of Learnables in Vocal Master Classes
Beatrice Szczepek Reed, Darren Reed, Elizabeth Haddon
Research on Language & Social Interaction, vol. 46(1), 2013, pp. 22-46
Building an interactional project: Actions as components of music masterclasses
Darren J Reed, Beatrice Szczepek Reed
Units of Talk - Units of Action, Beatrice Szczepek Reed, Geoffrey Raymond, John Benjamins, 2013, pp. 313-342
Self-identity, authenticity and the Other: The spirits and audience management in stage mediumship
Robin Wooffitt, Clare Jackson, Darren J Reed, Yasushi Ohshi, Isaac Hughes
Language & Communication, vol. 33, 2013, pp. 93 105
Towards a sociological understanding of robots as companions
Ellen Van Oost, Darren Reed
Human-Robot Personal Relationships. Lecture notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences. Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol. 59, 2011, pp. 11-18
Inclusive Design: Beyond Capabilities Towards Context of Use
D J Reed, A Monk
Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS) special issue on Innovations in User Sensitive Design, Research and Development, vol. 10, 2011
Observing and Quoting Newsgroup Messages: Method and Phenomenon in the Hermeneutic Spiral.
Darren J Reed
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2009
The Performativity of a Volunteer based Telecare Service
D J Reed
Digital Welfare for the Third Age, Brian Loader, Routledge, 2009
Acting Your Age in Second Life
D J Reed, Geraldine Fitzpatrick
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 5294, Panos Markopoulos, Wihnand Ijsselsteign, Duncan Rowland, Fun and Games. Second International Conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, October , Springer, Berlin, 2008, pp. 158-169
Science Blogs: Experimenting with Practice and Performance
Graham Lewis, Darren J Reed
Toward a Social Science of Web 2.0 conference, York 5-6 September, 2007
Telephone conferences for fun: experimentation in people's homes
A Monk, D J Reed
IFIP International Federation for Information Processing, Volume 241, , A Venkatesh, T Gonsalves, A Monk, undefined, K Buckner, HOIT 2007 Home Informatics and Telematics: ICT for the Next Billion, Springer, 2007, pp. 201-214
Experiencing BLISS when becoming a bus passenger
Darren J Reed, Peter Wright
DIS '06: Proceedings of the 6th ACM conference on Designing Interactive systems. University Park, PA, USA, 2006, pp. 291-300
Place and the Experience of BLISS
Darren J. Reed, Peter Wright
HCI '2006: Engage, People and Computers XX — Engage, Proceedings of HCI 2006, 2006, pp. 203-219
Innocence and Nostalgia in Conversation Analysis.
M Ashmore, D Reed
Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung, vol. 30, 2005
Darren Reed
34th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences ( HICSS-34) Outrigger Wailea Resort, Maui, vol. 4, 2001, p. 4035
The Naturally-Occurring Chat Machine
Darren Reed, Malcolm Ashmore
M/C: A Journal of Media and Culture, vol. 3, 2000